Sunday, October 23, 2016

Me, Ranking 1!

All through exams, I finally was ranking 1! My dad said that he would take me to eat at KFC. My parents was shocked when my teacher said that I was ranking 1! My dad said that if you are ranking 1, your teacher would say your name in front of everyone!!! My teacher said that I am not allowed to be mean and shelfish about me being ranking 1. My best result was 100 for English. Everyone was so proud of me!!! It was a happy feeling. My name would be called tomorrow (Monday). I am so nervous and exited at the same time!

My Birthday!

On 17th October, it was my birthday. I hardly got any presents. I got a bike from my mum, thongs from my dad and roller blades from mum and dad. On my birthday my dad actually broke my tablet! So, now I am using my dad's ASUS. It's got even more games then my tablet! My brother is always using my new tablet so my dad decided to download new games on his iPad but he still keeps using mine! I am sick of it. Although he has the game angry birds on his iPad, he still keeps using mine!!! And although I am sick of it, I can still keep my temper. The best thing about my birthday is something that was really cool that happened in school.....

ASEAN Webinar - Workshop on Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article

On the 28th of November, I listened to an ASEAN Webinar which was about  Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article . I guess it's cl...