Last week, My auntie, uncle, dad and me went to Tumbarumba. It was a long trip. We saw many turtles just crossing the road. We had to stop so they can cross the road. When we got there we saw many houses that were very old. It was very cold because Tumbarumba is near the snowy mountains. We stopped at an old cafe but it was still beautiful. I ordered a small chocolate milkshake and it's glass were a container and on the lid, there was a hole so they can put the straw in. My auntie ordered a large chocolate milkshake. My dad and uncle ordered a coffee. Then we saw a cat. It was a very fat cat. My uncle scratched it's neck and she was purring. I scratched her fur and this time, she started to lay down so I can scratch her tummy. We then we to a plants' shop. It's got lots of plants and flowers. My auntie said they were beautiful. It was soon raining so we had to get to our table. Our table was outside but i was sheltered from the rain. My dad wanted to take pictures of me, so we went out in the rain. Because it was Sunday, we had to go home early because my auntie and uncle have to go to work on Monday. We saw many more turtles on our way back home.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Mannequin Challenge
Today I did a mannequin challenge. It's where you have to stand still and not move or blink your eyes. My dad chose my pose. At first I kept laughing! Then I took a drink and started again. This time I succeeded! My dad posted it on Facebook and YouTube. For me, I looked kinda scary. On the video we were able to add music on. It was Black Beetles. Then we looked at funny mannequins. Even dogs can do mannequins but for dogs, it called Play Dead. There was this man who was on his hand an knees, and the dog was holding on his waist and dancing! I burst out laughing, it was so funny!! There are different poses for mannequin. We saw a man drinking a slurppe (a drink)!! There was a girl who was doing the splits! My dad said that girl would be tired. I like to watch funny mannequins!
Chistmas Party With Leila
Today I went to a Christmas party with Leila. We had a lot of fun. We went on the jumping castle with Leila, Cleo, Lucy and Sabrina. Sabrina is a friend of Leila. We also played 'I'm gonna get you off' on the jumping castle. It's where we were on top of an air pillow and we had to try to push each other off. It was so fun. We had sausage sizzle, drank water and had Calippo (type of ice cream). Then, we played netball. It was fun too. Soon, Santa came! He gave us lollies. They were yummy. We swapped some of the lollies we didn't like for another one. We also played tug of war. Super fun! Lastly, we went upside down on the bars. It was really fun. Then, we had to go home. Lucy got dropped off first. Then, they dropped me off. We said bye to each other and they went home. I had a very good day!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Billie The Female Dog
Billie is a female dog. She belongs to my auntie. She is only 2 years old. If anyone walks in front of the house, Billie will bark at them loudly. Sometimes I am scared with her, sometimes not. She eats tin food but if there is leftover food, they will give it to Billie, she will eat everything. She is a very playful dog. Her favourite game is fetch. She has a green ball that she likes to play fetch with. She also has a little piece from a hose. That is her favourite toy. She used to have many toys when she was little but she ruined everything. She used to have a bed too, but she ruined it. Now, she sleeps on a piece of wood. She can't ruin that bed. She only have 2 toys now. When Billie was a puppy, she was so cute! I saw a picture of her when she was 3 months old. Billie sleeps in the laundry room. In front of the laundry room, there is another room. It's got the backyard door and the toilet. I like to peek at that room and see if she is there. If the backyard door is opened, and her room too, there is a good chance that she will be in that room. I like Billie sometimes, sometimes not. :-)
ASEAN Webinar - Workshop on Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article
On the 28th of November, I listened to an ASEAN Webinar which was about Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article . I guess it's cl...
My best friend is Leila Campbell. She is very kind to me. My second best friend is Bailey Kotzur. He was my first best friend. On my first d...
So, Hello? Today, I want to share with you guys about my day. Today was... Tiring, I guess. We woke up, do the morning routine. It feels s...
A few days back, our class got an assingment to make a pencil case from felt. We actually did the first part at school and got help from Bu...