Today I did a mannequin challenge. It's where you have to stand still and not move or blink your eyes. My dad chose my pose. At first I kept laughing! Then I took a drink and started again. This time I succeeded! My dad posted it on Facebook and YouTube. For me, I looked kinda scary. On the video we were able to add music on. It was Black Beetles. Then we looked at funny mannequins. Even dogs can do mannequins but for dogs, it called Play Dead. There was this man who was on his hand an knees, and the dog was holding on his waist and dancing! I burst out laughing, it was so funny!! There are different poses for mannequin. We saw a man drinking a slurppe (a drink)!! There was a girl who was doing the splits! My dad said that girl would be tired. I like to watch funny mannequins!
ASEAN Webinar - Workshop on Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article
On the 28th of November, I listened to an ASEAN Webinar which was about Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article . I guess it's cl...
My best friend is Leila Campbell. She is very kind to me. My second best friend is Bailey Kotzur. He was my first best friend. On my first d...
So, Today was the day we we're going home and I was really excited. We boarded the plane and I slept almost through out the trip. Mum ga...
So, Hello? Today, I want to share with you guys about my day. Today was... Tiring, I guess. We woke up, do the morning routine. It feels s...