So, Thursday we had a Taekwondo lesson. Me and my Brother are both green belts. It was the 4th stage of belts. Luckily, my cousin kak Dytha is a red belt. She is one of the coaches. So she told me what to do since I've never seen their training. It was quite fun and tiring at the same time. The training was fun and I realised that the ones in Pamulang was harder! So yeah but they train like 3 times a week and we only do 2. The other coaches were nice as well. They said if we're tired, we can go rest early. So Nice!
Then we kicked the targets. It was fun. I had to hold it for Lintang and the coach held it for me. They said that I was good so yeah.. I love compliments.
Before we go home, we bowed to the coaches.
Then, my mum gave them each a bottle of tea.
They thanked us and we went home.
Friday, March 16, 2018
ASEAN Webinar - Workshop on Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article
On the 28th of November, I listened to an ASEAN Webinar which was about Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article . I guess it's cl...
My best friend is Leila Campbell. She is very kind to me. My second best friend is Bailey Kotzur. He was my first best friend. On my first d...
So, Hello? Today, I want to share with you guys about my day. Today was... Tiring, I guess. We woke up, do the morning routine. It feels s...
A few days back, our class got an assingment to make a pencil case from felt. We actually did the first part at school and got help from Bu...