Tomb raider is a really good movie. It's about this girl called Lara Croft who found his dad's secrets about Himiko. She then found a tape made by her dad and he told her to burn all of his researches about Himiko so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. She then went to Hong Kong to find a ship called endurance but some boys stole her bag which has all her dad's researches. She ran after them and caught up. Then, she saw it. Endurance. She boarded the ship and realized that the sailor was drunk. She asked him and he kept saying "that wasn't me!" And then he told her that his name was Lu Ren, exactly the same as his dad's. He finally said yes and they went. At night, they were shipwrecked. She woke up and saw a strange man. She got out and saw Lu Ren. They were told to work, work and work. The other workers were just other shipwrecked fishermans. She escaped and fell into a river which ends up being a waterfall. She saw a broken plane and held on to it. Well, not very long cause the plane was about to go and fall. She then saw a parachute bag and she used it to glide down. It was bumpy. Cause the parachute had holes in it. And she also hit a few branches and sticks, which will hurt. She saw a man that was running away and she ran after him. It was her dad. So, yay! They reunited. They stayed in a little cave. Then she went out to find and help those workers. They had a fight (with guns) and she Lu Ren to get them to safety. The evil guys found and forced Lara to open the door. She opened it cause if she didn't her dad would be shot. They went in and found a lot of skeletons. Legend says that Himiko is the first Queen and she controlled her kingdom using black magic. One touch can kill you. Only it wasn't that. She sacrificed herself to save her kingdom. Cause she had a deadly disease. It's true that one touch can kill you but she never did it on purpose. The evil guys tried to pack her up to transport but he accidentally touched her. (I'm not gonna tell you what happened cause it disgusting). Her dad was fighting that infected man and he got infected too. She was so sad and she made a promise to not let that last guy leave. She kept her promise and killed that guy. Then she got out using the rope they used to get in. Lu Ren was outside waiting and he told the people to get the rocks off. He almost gave up untill he saw a peice of rope tugging. He got the rock off and saw Lara. Not long soon, Trinity came. And they told the Trinity to take them home using the helicopter. Lara, Lu and his father was saved. Unfortunately not Lara's dad.
Awww. This was so sad!!!!
My favorite part was on the plane that was going to fall into the waterfall. It so cool!! thanks
I loved this movie. It awesome. Not to mention there were other versions.
Bye Bye Everyone!!!!!!
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Tomb Raider
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