So today we had give in our math homework. We were supposed to make like a tube thingy. I did it last night and it took me forever even when mum helped me. No use!!! Mine was yellow. When I got to school, I saw everyone's. Theirs were not much different from mine. Everyone bought their extra karton paper. We used those leftovers to make an eclipse shape. It was quite hard. A lot of people were making another tube and make a hole so it can be a money box or something. But I didn't cause we can just do it at home. Why waste time at school? And you can do it without anyone bumping into you and making you scribble everywhere.
ASEAN Webinar - Workshop on Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article
On the 28th of November, I listened to an ASEAN Webinar which was about Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article . I guess it's cl...
My best friend is Leila Campbell. She is very kind to me. My second best friend is Bailey Kotzur. He was my first best friend. On my first d...
So, Hello? Today, I want to share with you guys about my day. Today was... Tiring, I guess. We woke up, do the morning routine. It feels s...
A few days back, our class got an assingment to make a pencil case from felt. We actually did the first part at school and got help from Bu...