So, a few weeks back, I entered this Competition called FLS2N. Its for elementary students. I entered the Batik one. I was taught by Bu Sri, my homeroom teacher.
I won the first competition and was sent to go to the second one, Province Stage/Level. I was told that we would stay at a hotel for 2 nights. We were going to our room when they said that there was gonna be another girl sleeping in our room. Her name is Elsa.
It was night time, when Bu Sri said that she needed to go to a meeting and i should stay in the room. And she texted me asking if i was awake. Well... I was and Elsa wasn't. She sleeps so fast!! And so I was watching YouTube and then my mum called. We had a conversation and then she said that i should sleep.
In the middle of the night, I heard the door opening and Bu Sri came in with a man. She then told me to wait and after that she then told me whats gonna happen tomorrow.
The next day, I woke up kinda early! (life goals) and, Elsa was still sleeping... Bu Sri was calling, Elsa, Elsa. She didn't budge. It actually took some time waking her up. After we washed up, we went to the restaurant. We took a picture together, and stuff. She's actually not that bad!
After the activities, we were given a snack box to eat. We didnt get to see Elsa's thing tho... After that, Bu Sri was saying how she was bored of the meals and so we decided to go outside and find something else to eat.
After we got back, I sat on the bed and Bu Sri was wondering where Elsa was. She came after an hour we finished and turns out, She had been sleeping in another room. Sleeping!! And she sat on the bed and fell AsLeEp not long after! I was playing my phone and I texted mum and she asked if I was finished, and I was like, "Yeah, it finished at 4". And she told me that she thought I was not done yet.
The next day was the last day and we went to Lemo Hotel for the announcement. That's where we met mum, Kak Renggi and my brother Lintang waiting for us. They had a little talk and we went inside. When we went in, we were told to have a group photo, All Of TangSel. Me and Elsa were next to eachother. After that, there were lots of singing acts. Those vocal contestants were told to sing. They were honetly quite good. And then they announced it. I kinda Lost, but I don't really care...
And after that we went home.
~News Flash~
A few days back, Someone sent a message to me from facebook. I was looking at the Profile and realized it was Elsa! She wrote something on her wall saying how she missed me and that her Profile Picture was Me and Her together ❤. She asked for my number and I gave it to her. To be honest, I kinda miss her too!!