On the 17th of October, it wad my Birthday. It was a Blast!!!
I woke up to my alarm, which was BlackPink's "Playing with fire". I tried Got7's Hard Carry, but it didn't wake me up >.<
Lintang at that time wasn't awake yet, so I blew the candles without him... My Mum and dad wished me a "Happy Birthday" and a lot of my friends and cousins too.
I then did my usual routine before going to school. We finally arrived at school and a lot of my friends were saying more "Happy Birthdays". My mum then told me that we would celebrate my birthday when it was Lunch time.
It was finally Lunch time and we went out to get a cake. We went to a shop and bought a cake and then went back to the school.
Everyone else was sitting in their seats and reading "Al-Fatihah" for Me. We gave each student a slice of cake ans I'm glad that everyone liked it.
That day was just AMAZING..!!!!