So today was my dad's birthday. We just went home from Kebun Raya Bogor which was quite fun. We ate a lot of ice cream. When we got home, mum said that he should open his present and he said not yet. He wanted to open his presents and opened the smaller one first. It was a leather belt. Yeyyy awesome! And the bigger one was a pair of sandals.
It was black. He read the card and posted it on Facebook. OMG.
Bye bye!
Happy birthday daddy
Friday, March 30, 2018
My dad's Birthday
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
A Trip to Bandung
So yesterday, I had study tour to Bandung. It was so fun. The trip advisors we're really nice their names were Kak Indah and Kak Nita. The study tour was for year 4, 5 and 6. I'm in year 5. There were 3 stops. Musium Geology, Udjo's house of Angklung and the KAA (conference Asia Afrika).
We arrived at the musium Geology and it was full of different types of rocks and do on. There were even dinosaur fossils. The walls were written with facts. We went to watch a short film about volcanos. Before we went to the next stop, we took a grup photo with all the teachers and other students (year 4 and 6). We soon left to go to Udjo's house of Angklung.
We arrived at Udjo's house of Angklung and it was so cool. Most of the building was made out of bamboo, considering that Angklungs are made out of bamboo. We went to watch a puppet show (actually wayang). It was awesome and mostly funny. Then little kids were told to come in the center to play the Angklung. They were cool. Then, we were given each an Angklung and they tought us how to play it. It was so fun! I got number 3 which means Mi. Then we left.
The third stop was supposed to be the KAA but sadly, it was closed. It was because when we left Saung Udjo, we were caught in traffic. And we were going to a place to buy gifts and souvenirs. We were also given some McDonald's for lunch. I ate first and then went exploring. My friends and I were crazy!! We bought a lot of stuff and it couldn't fit!!!
We arrived back in Pamulang at 10 o'clock and I was very sleepy. We went to Aura's house 'cuz we dropped out motorbike there. We took the motorbike and we home. It was really a tiring day.
(@_@) Bye Bye!!!
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Tomb Raider
Tomb raider is a really good movie. It's about this girl called Lara Croft who found his dad's secrets about Himiko. She then found a tape made by her dad and he told her to burn all of his researches about Himiko so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. She then went to Hong Kong to find a ship called endurance but some boys stole her bag which has all her dad's researches. She ran after them and caught up. Then, she saw it. Endurance. She boarded the ship and realized that the sailor was drunk. She asked him and he kept saying "that wasn't me!" And then he told her that his name was Lu Ren, exactly the same as his dad's. He finally said yes and they went. At night, they were shipwrecked. She woke up and saw a strange man. She got out and saw Lu Ren. They were told to work, work and work. The other workers were just other shipwrecked fishermans. She escaped and fell into a river which ends up being a waterfall. She saw a broken plane and held on to it. Well, not very long cause the plane was about to go and fall. She then saw a parachute bag and she used it to glide down. It was bumpy. Cause the parachute had holes in it. And she also hit a few branches and sticks, which will hurt. She saw a man that was running away and she ran after him. It was her dad. So, yay! They reunited. They stayed in a little cave. Then she went out to find and help those workers. They had a fight (with guns) and she Lu Ren to get them to safety. The evil guys found and forced Lara to open the door. She opened it cause if she didn't her dad would be shot. They went in and found a lot of skeletons. Legend says that Himiko is the first Queen and she controlled her kingdom using black magic. One touch can kill you. Only it wasn't that. She sacrificed herself to save her kingdom. Cause she had a deadly disease. It's true that one touch can kill you but she never did it on purpose. The evil guys tried to pack her up to transport but he accidentally touched her. (I'm not gonna tell you what happened cause it disgusting). Her dad was fighting that infected man and he got infected too. She was so sad and she made a promise to not let that last guy leave. She kept her promise and killed that guy. Then she got out using the rope they used to get in. Lu Ren was outside waiting and he told the people to get the rocks off. He almost gave up untill he saw a peice of rope tugging. He got the rock off and saw Lara. Not long soon, Trinity came. And they told the Trinity to take them home using the helicopter. Lara, Lu and his father was saved. Unfortunately not Lara's dad.
Awww. This was so sad!!!!
My favorite part was on the plane that was going to fall into the waterfall. It so cool!! thanks
I loved this movie. It awesome. Not to mention there were other versions.
Bye Bye Everyone!!!!!!
Friday, March 23, 2018
DIY Bracelet
So today, my teacher taught us how to make bracelets out of shoelaces (trust me, it sounds gross but it really isn't). I used a black and white schoelace and it turned out quite good. It was confusing at first but he went into further explanation and I was able to do it in no time. A lot where asking if I could help them and I helped them, one by one (which is fine since the others were almost done). I saw Vinka helping Tio and she asked if I remembered how to do the start and I said 'yes' and she told me to help Tio but when I looked at him, he quickly said that he can do if by himself. Goshh what is wrong with him? Anyways, he said we had homework which was to make those again but with special type of shoelace (IDK). I still haven't got it yet but I will try to find those.
Anyways, Bye!!!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Hwang Jini
So today, I'm going to tell you guys about this K-drama called Hwang Jini.
It's about this girl who loves dancing. She hasn't meet her mother and when she did, she did not allow her to dance. To be honest, I still don't know why. She went to like a dance school/academy 'cause she wants to be an artist. She (in my opinion) is kinda bad-looking (sorry!) But she is talented. When she first got there, she complained 'cause she came there to learn how to dance properly but her teacher said that they must learn to be more discipline. (Bumer) Anyways, she then met this guy coincidentally and they kept meeting! (He's nice-looking) I totally ship them!
Anyways that's all I can tell you. 'Cause that's where I left to. Episode 3
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Back Home!
So, Today was the day we we're going home and I was really excited. We boarded the plane and I slept almost through out the trip. Mum gave me a chocolate bar (Silver Queen, to be exact). It was Soo good! I finished it in no time! When we got out, we had to get our baggages. While my mum did that, I went to the toilet. Then, mum and Lintang went. After that, we ordered a Grab Car. It was red. The trip was really long but I can't even remember if I fell asleep or not (weird).
Anyways, when we got home, I was greeted by my friends. They seemed like they were really happy to see me again (aww... Thanks)
Then I noticed the other motorbike wasn't there but the door was opened so yeah... I went in (apparently Lintang beat me to it) and we hugged and kissed my dad. I really missed him. He should've came with us!!!! The house looked different and I don't know who did this 'cause my dad mentioned Go Clean (cleans your house) so yeah...
And right now, he just made me annoyed...
Anyways Bye!!!
Friday, March 16, 2018
So, Thursday we had a Taekwondo lesson. Me and my Brother are both green belts. It was the 4th stage of belts. Luckily, my cousin kak Dytha is a red belt. She is one of the coaches. So she told me what to do since I've never seen their training. It was quite fun and tiring at the same time. The training was fun and I realised that the ones in Pamulang was harder! So yeah but they train like 3 times a week and we only do 2. The other coaches were nice as well. They said if we're tired, we can go rest early. So Nice!
Then we kicked the targets. It was fun. I had to hold it for Lintang and the coach held it for me. They said that I was good so yeah.. I love compliments.
Before we go home, we bowed to the coaches.
Then, my mum gave them each a bottle of tea.
They thanked us and we went home.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
So, Today me and kak Revi took a gazillion selfies!!!
She told me to come in her room and we took a lot of pictures and selfies.
It was very tiring. Mum left the three of us alone in the house and that's when we started. We giggled a lot during that. It was quite fun. I posted one on my Instagram so yeah don't forget to loke and follow me!
It turned out quite good so, I guess it was worth it. We had a few bad ones which were Lintang running in the background and so on.
Anyways, I had so much fun.
It's time to say bye so... Yeah BYE!!!
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Travelling, Traveling and more Traveling
So, Hello?
Today, I want to share with you guys about my day.
Today was... Tiring, I guess. We woke up, do the morning routine. It feels sooo long waiting for my cousins to come home although they've just been gone for a few hours. Then, mum said to hurry up and get ready because we will go to Padang. We will visit Makwo and Aci. When we arrived at Makwo's, I greeted my older cousins. We had fun playing with the cats, Kecil (nenek), Boardy, Zoro and so on.
We then left to Aci's house. I didn't take too long so I didn't really mind it. When we arrived, Lintang said he wanted to eat noodles and drink coffee.
And after that, he wanted more! Annnddd, of course mum said a simple, NO.
That's all I can tell you. Bye!!!
Monday, March 12, 2018
An Awesome Day
So, today we went to Pantai Carocok, Painan.
It's changed a lot since we last saw it which was...
A year ago? Yeahh I'm not surprised, really.
We had a lot of fun today. Me and my brother went swimming on the beach and kak Nurul only put her foot down which is quite a bummer. Then, mum went to buy some clothes for us to change after we've finished. We then ate noodles (Indomie to be exact). Then mum asked if I was finished. I said yes and soon came out of the bathroom. Lintang stayed a little longer then he said he's finished. I saw a guy selling ice cream and I asked mum if we can have some. She bought five of them (for me, Lintang, kak Nurul, kak Yosi and herself). It was very nice.
We then had to go home which I was glad to be doing since I was very tired.
Sunday, March 11, 2018
I'm finally here!!
So, I arrived at the airport and Bang Bima took us to Aci and kak Revi's house. I had a good time there texing my friends. They asked where I was and I said at my cousin's house.
Next stop was Makwo's house. I was having a great time there. They let their cats wander the house. In the bedroom and on the bed. Kak Rahma even told me their names! I texted my friends a lot and kak Rahma said is that your boyfriend?? And I'm like what the-
She cut me of by saying oooo. She's really annoying.
When it was time to go I actually didn't want to leave. I texted my friend (Pandu) and we started to talk until I said we had to go.
Last stop was Painan, The highlight.
The first person I saw was kak Dytha. She was with her friend. I said hi and she went to take her friend home.
Then, I dashed to kak Nurul's room to see if she's awake. Which, she wasn't. Mum said that I can wake her up so I did. She was quite surprised about our arrival. She knew we were coming but not to meet in her bedroom!!
Then I saw Bang Firman. I said hi and he smiled. His voice is so deep.
We then went to our grandparents' grave and after that we went to eat satai at Auntie Ya's place. That's when I saw Bang Fajar and we quickly say hi.
Then kak Dylla came home and greeted me. We went in the bedroom furtherst of the corridor. We chatted to our friends and she said the exact same thing as kak Rahma!!!
That's all I can tell you.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
The big day
I still can't believe it. We don't usually go there on purpose so it's gonna be fun. We go there likee once a year or something so yeah, I have a really missing feeling. I miss them and I will hug everyone once I get there. I also want to tell my friends here when I'll be leaving. It's only gonna be a week and I know thats kinda long but I wish we could stay a litgle bit longer. Well, Tio went and he didn't get a week so, I'm still respectful.
Anyways bye.
Friday, March 9, 2018
Trending Hashtags
Trending Hashtags. It's fun. Hashtags are like keywords so that if someone posts something, and the say #latepost or something, it will go in a special list. If you search it #latepost there will me many posts and they say it too. The most popular ones are #latepose, #staysafe and so on. Feel free to check my Instagram it's fuuulll of hashtags. Especially lateposts!! Ugh.. I never end up posting something in time Lol!!!
~Elok Fitria B.S Loves Youuu
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
The Excited Feeling
I'm soo EXCITED!!! I'll be going back to Padang to see my big family (my aunt, uncle an so on)
My brother and I have been talking about it fo soo long! I think, for a week maybe?
We haven't seen the for soo long!! I miss them so much! I wonder what will be the first thing I do once I get there. Probably we walking around saying hello to them while my eyes are closed. Lol XD
I'm so glad my dad rold me that there will be no WI-FI!! So, I downloaded some songs on my phone. Mostly BTS' ones duhh 😁
I hope that I can still keep contact with my friends here. I'm gonna miss the a lot since I'm basically friends with everyone (shh, I not bragging) I really miss Wisnu and Risma. Just when we go so close, they had to change schools! Oh WHYY??!!
Anyways, I just wanted to share my feelings.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
So, I want to tell you about Exams.
Exams are... Boring, Hard, Fun all at the same time. The question is why do we need Exams?
In Australia, there were no Exams to stop you from going to a new class (year 1 2 3 4 5) but in Indonesia, we do that. There's mid semester Exams and Semester Exams too. In fact, I'm in the middle of the week doing Exams. This was the second day so I guess that it's a #latepost ? Anyways those were my Questions.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
My dad lost his Phone!!
So a few days back, my dad lost his phone. He was on the way to his friend's house, he wanted to buy some birds at the market. He put the phone in a little pocket on the motorcycle. And when he arrived, he finally remembered that he put the phone there and when he checked again, if was GONE!!
He contacted my mum using his other phone and my mum's reaction was.. umm
He came home and wanted to buy a new one but I guess mum didn't let him.
And tonight, he talking about it again!!
What will be his FATE??!
Friday, March 2, 2018
My Favourite Animal
My Favourite Animal is a... Tigerr
I love Tigers because they are just so stripey? Orange and Black blends so well together! I especially love baby ones cause they're so cuteee. And I just found out that the are Jungkook's favourite animal too! My second one is Rabbits. They're so cuteee. I love their twitching nose and the cute way the hop around.
Those are my Favourite Animals
ASEAN Webinar - Workshop on Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article
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So, Hello? Today, I want to share with you guys about my day. Today was... Tiring, I guess. We woke up, do the morning routine. It feels s...
A few days back, our class got an assingment to make a pencil case from felt. We actually did the first part at school and got help from Bu...