Tuesday, April 9, 2019

SHAZAM! (The Movie)

On Sunday, my dad my brother and me watched a movie called Shazam. My mum at that time didn't want to come and watch it for some reason... the movie was about someone that had magic (or something like that) and he was searching for a pure soul so that he can give that person his powers. 

~ (PLOT)
(the first part of the movie was actually the villain's past.)
There was a boy named Billy Batson. He had been searching for his long lost mother for almost his whole life. He ran away from his past adoptive homes. One day, he was caught trying to leave again. He was then told to stay at another foster home. He was very welcomed there. He then threw away his investigation notebook and Pedro took it.

Billy was put in a room with Freddy and Freddy was a funny person. They had a little talk. Freddy then talks a bout superheroes and their powers. Meanwhile, Billy wasn't even listening.

It was Billy's first day at school and he saw Freddy being bullied. He was going to walk away, but the he realized that he had to save him. He took Freddy's crutch and hit those two boys with it.

When Billy was going to the subway, he suddenly realized that peeople around him were slowly dissapearing and the subway train thingy went faster. He ended up in a cave and saw an old guy named Shazam. The old guy then realized than Billy had a pure heart and decided to give his powers to Billy. He told Billy to say his name, which was Shazam. At first, Billy thought is was just a joke, untill the said that simple word, and he turned into a man with a red costume and a white cape. You could say that he's a Superhero!
He then started to panic and called Freddy. Freddy at first was veryyy confused. Together, they tried to find Billy's powers as Shazam.

The villain in the movie (lol) had the bad type of magic. He can spawn onsters fro his eye. long story short, Billy transferred hospowers to his family. While Billy was fighting with Dr. Sivana, he tried to ,ure the last monster out of his eye, leaving Dr. Sivana powerless.

Then, the kids cae back home, acting like nothing really happened. Billy ten said that he will stay at that house, because he felt as if he was really at home. Their foster parents suddenly got emotional. (He did actually find his mum, with the help of Eugene. Unfortunately, his mum didn't want him back.)

ASEAN Webinar - Workshop on Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article

On the 28th of November, I listened to an ASEAN Webinar which was about  Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article . I guess it's cl...