Thursday, May 31, 2018

Having Iftar at Pak Syukri's House

Recently, Pak Syukri invited the whole class have Iftar at his place. I used my dress that Kak Dytha (my cousin) gave me.

When we got there, I saw that they
Were helping to prepare the food. A few couldn't make it but the place was packed. We had a good amount of boys an girls. Lintang was like, Soo annoying!! He wouldn't stop bugging me! Well, I usually speak English with him and didn't realize that a few people heard and tried to mimic us with muffled voices.

It was aMuSiNg...

Pak Syukri did a little speach and we waited a few minutes until we heard the Adzan, indicating it was time.
We were given pudding and a drink. I drank a little bit and got up to get some fried food (mostly rissoles). It was quite nice.
We chatted a little bit and since it was basically done, we went home.
It was quite a nice day...

ASEAN Webinar - Workshop on Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article

On the 28th of November, I listened to an ASEAN Webinar which was about  Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article . I guess it's cl...