Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Islamic New Year

Last Night, Me, My Brother, and the other kids from the cluster were outside doing like a parade thing for Islamic New Year. we were all holding Obor, it's like a torch from wood, and went around. Not long, we met another group and we all waved at each other. We also sang different songs. It was really fun. A lot of the other torches were had already stopped. Mine was one lf the few that sayed lit. It was fun but my arms... they ached so bad!
After we came back, we were given a snack bag. I ate a few there and took the rest home. We then went home

ASEAN Webinar - Workshop on Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article

On the 28th of November, I listened to an ASEAN Webinar which was about  Writing a Good Essay and Journalistic Article . I guess it's cl...